26 July 2007

Home sweet home...

Greeting and salutations from the newest Chez Arnold. Please forgive the recent lack of activity on the ol' blog, but moving has taken up much time, effort and energy. The new place is great and we are settling in as best we can. Internet, however, is sporadic at the moment, and may remain so for a week or two.
So in an emergency call the cell phones
Chris: 011-353-86-334-6678
Kelly 011-353-86-330-3336

And if there's no real emergency but you have the overwhelming urge to contact us, send a letter, postcard or owl to:

Iveagh Court Apt 16
Harcourt lane
Dublin 2 IE


p.s. the new place has two bedroom and two bathrooms....start booking your tickets people.


Alli Arnold said...

IMA GONNA BE FIRST! First! Your first visitor in Ireland! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Can you tell I am excited?!



Anonymous said...

How do you pronounce the name of your court and is it Dublin 2 ie or Dublin 2 1e ? Love , Helen

Chris said...

Hel - Iveagh is pronounced Ivy.
And the address is Dublin 2 (2 being our zip code) and then the letters IE (meaning Ireland) Thanks for the opportunity to clarify.
