06 June 2007

We're here.............

we're queer and we're....?

1) I don't even know the proper finish to that slogan
2) It is entirely innappropriate for this entry but it's what came to mind.

Just a quick post, out of order, since we have yet to catch up on posts from our wonderful roadtrip, but we had to let you know we have arrived safe and sound. Thanks to Mr. Xanex the flight passed in the blink of an eye. Left me feeling a bit more foggy than I would have liked. Taxi to the city center and our flat which is small, cute, clean and fairly well equipped. Without even unpacking we wandered our neighborhood a bit, took care of a few things like paying the rent, trying to open a bank account (easier said than done) looking at getting a cell phone etc.

The weather is grand, sunny, breezy and cool...I'd say about 65 degrees. It feels delightfully cold, and I will probably have to throw away half the clothes I brought :)

That's all for now. More roadtrip posts and pictures from here and there to come.
Over and out,


Anonymous said...

Hi Chris & Kelly
Happy you've arrived foggy as you might feel. hjave fun and give yourselves some time to soak in. love mama

Anonymous said...

so glad your trip was smooth sailing. I can't wait to see some pictures. No rush- I was actually surprised you had the time to make this most.
Here's a little Irish ditty for you guys.

The Mouse on the Barroom Floor

Some Guinness was spilled on the barroom floor
when the pub was shut for the night.
Out of his hole crept a wee brown mouse
and stood in the pale moonlight.
He lapped up the frothy brew from the floor,
then back on his haunches he sat.
And all night long you could hear him roar,
'Bring on the goddam cat!'

take care "hugs all around"

Anonymous said...

That little irish ditty that pattie posted is ona little figurine type thing on Pat's coffee table! So funny. Anyways you got my email. So happy you arrived safely love you both :)

Anonymous said...

There once was a couple from florida, who moved to Ireland and... OK that didnt work. Glad youre there safe and sound. We're still in Florida :(

Big Chris and the munchkins

Becky said...

Yay!!! You made it!!I can't wait to see pictures of everything...wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris & Kelly! We are so happy to read you arrived safely and look forward to following along in your journey =) The piano is just wonderful and I think of you each time I sit down to play. We miss seeing you in the Vineyards! Ciao - Julie & James Gilbert

Mrynn said...

Did you kiss the Blarney Stone yet? Did you visit Kilkenney yet? Just kidding! Glad to hear you made it safe and sound.

Take your time posting but hurry up.

Love and miss you guys mucho.
Mr. Ynn

Chris said...

Julie - play Danny boy on those ivories for us :)